Innovative ideas are constantly being generated as people look for ways to improve their lives and solve problems. If you have an idea for an invention, you are not alone. Many individuals have brilliant ideas that could potentially change the world, but they don’t know where to start.

Assess the Idea

Before you start investing time and resources into your invention, it’s essential to evaluate its potential. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is your idea unique, or does something similar already exist?
  • Does your invention solve a problem or improve a current product or process?
  • Is there a market for your invention?

If the answer to these questions is positive, you are on the right track.

Research and Development

Once you have assessed the potential of your idea, it’s time to start researching. This step involves gathering information about existing patents, competitors, and the market. You can use various resources such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database, Google Patents, and market research reports.

During this stage, you should also develop your idea further, sketching out designs and considering materials, manufacturing processes, and potential costs. There are professional invention companies like InventHelp that can help you with this step. They have access to industry experts and can provide advice on how to improve your idea and protect it.

Protect Your Idea

Before sharing your idea with others, it’s crucial to protect it legally. You can do this by filing a provisional patent application, which gives you a “patent pending” status. This protection lasts for 12 months, during which you can continue working on your invention and seek funding or partnerships. InventHelp provides a provisional patent application service to all of their clients. They also provide legal assistance and guidance throughout the process.

Create a Prototype

A prototype is a physical representation of your idea, allowing you to test its functionality, design, and overall viability. Depending on your invention’s complexity, you can create a simple prototype using materials like cardboard, foam, or 3D printing. Alternatively, you may need to work with a professional prototype developer. InventHelp offers a prototype development service that can help you create a model of your invention that accurately represents its intended functionality.

Seek Funding and Partnerships

Once you have a working prototype, you can start looking for funding and potential partners. You can pitch your idea to investors, apply for grants, or launch a crowdfunding campaign. Additionally, you can seek partnerships with companies that have experience in your invention’s industry, which can provide valuable resources and expertise. InventHelp can help you find companies that are interested in licensing your product.


With funding and partnerships in place, it’s time to start manufacturing your invention. You may need to work with a manufacturer to produce your product, or you can set up your own production facility. Once your invention is ready for the market, you’ll need to develop a marketing strategy to promote and sell your product.

So, now that you know what to do with an invention idea and how to get it into the marketplace, it’s time to get started.


Turning your idea into an invention is an exciting and challenging journey. By following these steps and staying committed to your vision, you can transform your innovative idea into a successful product that can make a difference in the world.