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Protecting Your Unique Idea

So, you’ve come up with an idea which might be the next best thing since sliced bread. What do you do now? This is a question which people are frequently faced with – and whilst some of these are obviously businesses who make their money from inventing and developing new ideas, there are also lots of people who work away on their day job and then suddenly have a flash of inspiration. They are the ones for whom the burning question then is ‘What next?’

The first thing people think of when faced with the word ‘invention’ is ‘patent’, but for many ideas, patents are not going to be an available means of protection. Obviously, this is something you will need to check out with a patent attorney or patent agency like InventHelp, but even if the finished item will be patentable, the initial idea will have to undergo a degree of development and testing before the patent application can be filed. It is in this ‘limbo’ where the problems,  and the worry – often occur. Read reviews on InventHelp.

Firstly, let us be quite clear: You cannot obtain a patent once your idea has entered the public domain. This means that if you tell anyone else about it without placing them under a binding obligation to keep the information confidential first, your right to a patent will be lost. In the circumstances, if there is even the vaguest possibility that the idea might be patentable, secrecy at these early stages is crucial.

What it it’s not patentable? Well, in that case, the more people who know about it, the more chance there is that someone with more money and contacts than you will develop it and bring it to the market first. So, you need to keep your idea ‘under wraps’ until you have it sufficiently well-developed for you to bring it to market, or for it to be an attractive proposition to an organization which has the resources to develop and commercialize it in partnership with you.

In each case – patentable or not – there are essentially two things that you need to protect: the idea itself, and the detail, such as the method of manufacture and getting professional help from InventHelp would be helpful. The only way to protect your idea is to tell only those people who need to know, and to do so only under the protection of a legally binding contract which prevents your information from being disclosed to others – or used – without your consent.


Dog Naming Tips

Choosing a dog name is not and easy thing to do and at the same time, what is very important, quite a serious task. Remember that your dog’s name will play an important role both in your pet’s life and in yours. It’s nice that you want to find out more about the process of naming your dog because it’s necessary that you know the thing you should do and which mistakes to avoid.

The following dog naming tips will be useful for anyone who is searching for a dog name.

The name should be simple (one or two syllable) and easy for your dog to recognize.

In case you want to give your dog a long name, do use its shortened version.

Use “hard” consonants and vowels.

The name shouldn’t sound like any commands.

Make sure that it’s easy to call out the name you’ve chosen and it’s pleasant for you to call it out. Remember that you’ll have to call out this name in public places.

If you have in your mind some dog names write them down.

Choose a name for your dog taking into consideration its breed and origin, gender, size.

If you have already chosen the dog name you like, don’t hurry and try it for several days. Study you dog’s behavior; probably it will help you to pick up another name, which will be more suitable.

Don’t be afraid to try several names. Look closely at your dog in order to take a right decision. If your dog is extremely active and likes to dominate you should better give it a short and even jerky dog name. You could for example use some interesting car names for dogs. In case your pet is fidgety it needs soft and gentle dog name. It will help you to control your dog and avoid misunderstandings.

Don’t give your dog a name with negative or aggressive meaning, dogs fill everything better than you can imagine. If you don’t want to have problems with your dog think about the name you choose beforehand.

Don’t choose a dog name which will sound like the names of the members of your family. It is also recommended not to name your dog with very popular dog name.

If you have already a grown-up dog or you have adopted a dog, than you should better leave the name it already owns or change it just a little bit.


Guinea Pig Names Guide

Choosing a guinea pig name is a captivating and at the same time quite serious thing to do. Before you choose a name remember that it will play an important role in your guinea pig’s life as well as in yours. No matter whether you are looking for a boy guinea pig name or a girl guinea pig name you should read the article about naming tips which will help you to avoid some mistakes people usually do when they choose guinea pig names.

There is a great number of guinea pig names. After you read endless lists of guinea pigs names you will probably fill that you are at your wit’s end. Don’t worry! First decide for yourself what features of your guinea pig you want to stress and what you want the name you will choose to reflect.

Guinea Pig names are divided into several categories. For example descriptive guinea pig name category, which includes physical appearance of your guinea pig (coat color, size and individual attributes), its gender, personality (individual features which are peculiar to this or that guinea pig).

There are also such guinea pigs name categories as popular names, cool names, unique guinea pig names and more.

It’s popular nowadays among guinea pigs’ owners to give their pets popular names. But do remember that these names are popular during a certain period of time. Their popularity changes rather quickly.

Unique guinea pig names are usually invented by their owners. You can easily combine several words or guinea pig names you like, surnames of the members of your family, your favorite things or even food and so on.

Remember that your aim is to choose a name, which will fit your guinea pig and reflect the characteristic features of your pet. Do consider all pros and cons choosing one name out of great number of different guinea pigs names ideas.

Do involve your children in the process of choosing a guinea pig name for your pet.

This fact can be a bit surprising but more than 50% of the names people give to their pets are their own names or nicknames. Another twenty per cent of names characterize pets’ appearance and character.